Esteem MAT School Improvement Offer 2022-2023
Our vision is to be a Trust that:
- Leads and supports our academies to provide the highest standards of education and development for all our pupils.
- Enables academies with a shared sense of purpose to benefit from alignment whilst maintaining individuality.
- Provides a strong, collective voice for our academies at a local and national level.
- Delivers support and SEND expertise to our academies and to other schools and local authorities.
The School Improvement Offer (SI).
- Our accountability strand – ensuring that the judgements of each Headteacher and their leadership teams are reviewed supported, challenged and ultimately validated.
The Professional Learning Opportunities (PLO)
Our development strand – ensuring that each academy has the right support package to make rapid and precise progress towards the next Ofsted judgement and that all staff within the trust are offered the highest quality development in order to retain the best staff and our future leaders.
School Improvement at Esteem
At Esteem, we pride ourselves on being a Multi Academy Trust that serves the education sector as specialist in SEND, Alternative Provision and mainstream education. Our Central Team offers a wealth of experience including Executive Headship and headship across all Key Stages from EYFS up to KS5 allied with expertise in Safeguarding, Early Help and Governance. The Executive Team also has three serving Ofsted Inspectors and finally, we are able to include Executive Coaching and facilitation for NPQEL and NPQHs participants as part of this offer.
Our approach to improving schools…
We follow a 4-strand model to improving school so they become outstanding and capacity givers to the education system. We work through compliance, assurance and innovation strands and support, model, challenge and train leaders whatever their stage in development to be highly effective in their roles. The level of support varies in accordance with where each school is on their
individual journey.
What is on offer:
- Ofsted readiness; website audit, phone call & script coaching, SEF review and desktop exercise
- Quality Assurance triangulation exercises including Deep Dives
- Headteacher or Senior Team executive coaching
- System and School level Leadership support
- CPD access to the Esteem Professional Learning Offer
- Safeguarding support and DSL supervision
- Governance support and guidance
- Bespoke support as requested
What we support with…
- Executive and System Leadership across Special, Alternative Provision and Mainstream education settings from EYFS to P16
- Preparation and readiness for inspection
- Multi Academy Trust specialist across all aspects of strategic and operational functioning
- A Trust Wide Early Help Service
- Teaching and Learning experts across special, AP and mainstream (pedagogy, curriculum development, reading and phonics)
- Specialists covering the full spectrum of Needs and Challenges (PMLD, Autism, SEMH, challenging behaviour and emotional regulation)
- Pupil progression experts (curriculum progression, evidencing impact and understanding data)
- Beyond Esteem experts in CIAG, Work Related Learning, vocational provision and Destinations
Safeguarding and FASST
At Esteem we believe that for our young people to reach their potential they need the right support at the right time. We offer a comprehensive safeguarding school improvement package to our academies and other commissioning schools. This may be embedded within a full academy School Improvement review or as discreet sessions.
Academy Safeguarding – review, reflect, improve, embed
Audit and action planning
DSL supervision
DSL Safeguarding networks including current advice and guidance
Bespoke training and safeguarding support as requested
FASST – Early Help support for young people and their families (FASST Family and Student Support Team)
A tiered service that offers a range of support to young people and their families at Esteem academies and externally commissioning schools. This can range from signposting to self sufficient families or targeted intervention to families needing a bespoke package of support.
- Dedicated, knowledgeable and expert FASST practitioners with SME in key areas
- A robust referral process which identifies what support is needed and why
- 12 weeks (approximately) of targeted intervention
- Specialist 1-2-1 support sessions for young people and their families
- Group sessions with focused outcomes
- Liaison and referrals to and with external agencie
- Academy access to logs and assessments
- Inclusive family focused activities during school holidays